WordPress Security:- 5 tips to keep your WordPress site secure in 2020

WordPress Security:- 5 tips to keep your WordPress site secure in 2020

Your site might get hacked if you don’t follow these WordPress security tips.

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS), accounting for 455 million websites globally, due to being the most widely opted CMS platform, it encourages cybercriminals and hackers to hack around 90,000 websites per minute. According to 2022 WP security statistics, an online hacker attack occurs every 39 seconds, and 300,000 new malware are created every day.

Now, that doesn’t mean WordPress has poor security measures; rather, it is the result of a lack of security awareness by users, which makes it easy for hackers to install malware plugins and viruses.

In this blog, we will discuss the WordPress security measures that all WordPress users should implement in order to prevent their websites from being hacked.

Keep reading to know more.

  1. Download a reliable hosting service provider: The easiest way to protect your WordPress site is by using a reliable hosting service provider. This will ensure that you are always updated with the latest security patches and other updates. The hosting provider should also have an antivirus system in place that can detect and remove malicious files from your site in real-time.
  2. Keep Your WordPress Site Up-To-Date: Keeping your site secure is making sure that you’re always running the latest version of WordPress. This will help you avoid any security vulnerabilities that may have been fixed in a later version.
    You can build a complete WordPress backup before doing an upgrade if you are concerned that it will break your website. In this manner, you may simply go back to an earlier version if something doesn’t work. And remember, It’s crucial to update both your theme and your plugins. Your site may become susceptible if you use an old plugin or theme.
  3. Install Anti-virus And Malware Systems: The most popular ones include malware scanners, antivirus programs, and firewall programs. All of these can detect viruses on your website and help keep it safe from hackers. Such as Malware, Wordfence, Sucuri site check tool. These tools can help protect your website from viruses, worms, or other malicious software that could be lurking on your site.
  4. Don’t use the word “Admin” as the WordPress username: It’s not advised to use the username “admin” for WordPress. You should immediately switch to an alternative login if your administrator username is admin. For security reasons, brute force attacks are the primary reason having the admin username is problematic. Hackers use brute force attacks to try various combinations in an effort to access passwords or confidential user data on any particular website.
  5. Have a Strong Password: 8% of WordPress websites are hacked due to weak passwords. This is why you should set up a strong password that’s different from the one you use for other applications. Passwords are highly sensitive information that can be used by hackers to break into your site. The more variations you have, for example, using numbers and capital letters as well as a mix of different types of letters in your password, the better.
    • Your WordPress administrator account.
    • Account access to the web hosting control panel.
    • FTP access.
    • MySQL database for your WordPress site.
    • Email addresses for WordPress administrators or hosting accounts.

Takeaway: WordPress security is extremely crucial. Since it is the most used CMS platform on the planet, security is one of the biggest concerns. However, you need to remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Since WordPress is open source, users can access and modify it as they please through plugins and themes. Despite these built-in vulnerabilities, experts agree that WordPress is secure as long as you practice good habits when using it.

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